A Tribute to Jean-Pierre Vigier by
Jean-Claude Pecker (from
Festschrift Vigier, special issue of Apeiron, No. 9-10,1991)
Few of us have a mind as youthful, an imagination as fresh or an
enthusiasm as contagious as that of Jean-Pierre Vigier.
Ever since the bleak years of the second world war (when he fought courageously
as an officer of the FTP), Jean-Pierre Vigier has been a fighter. During an
active life on the political left, he made few friends and many enemies. As an
active member of the Communist Party (until he was expelled!), he was among
those who took an intransigent position against the French Vietnam war, against
the Algerian war and against the powers that be, even within the party!
Because he opposed the powers that be in science with the same resolve
and energy, his career in academia was far from what he had hoped for. The fact
is that in our profession, discretion, reserve and prudence are often rewarded
over a courageous defense of ideas that run counter to the scientific
Early on in his career, Jean-Pierre Vigier met two figures who were to
change the course of his work. For a time, he was an assistant to F. Joliot at
the Collège de France. Then, later, as he began to question the very
foundations of physics, he worked under the direction of Louis de Broglie, who
had a profound influence on him. Without going into too much detail, I shall
simply highlight a few key moments in this work in the fields of physics and
astrophysics (the interested reader is referred to the proceedings of the
symposium on "Quantum Non-Locality and the Global Structure of
Space-Time" held in his honor at the Institut Henri Poincaré, Annales IHP 49, 3, 1988, which covers all aspects of his scientific work).
A central theme of Jean-Pierre's work since 1951 has been the
"pilot wave", i.e. the notion that every particle has a wave
associated with it. But this idea, first put forward by de Broglie, can be
interpreted according to the Copenhagen school or according to de Broglie (and
with him, Einstein). In their view, the wave-particle duality, which is quite real,
does not imply indeterminism at a fundamental level. In fact, a determinacy
principle based on "hidden" variables can explain the wave and
particle nature of matter, the wave acting as a guide for the particle.
Needless to say, this idea has never been accepted. When Bell introduced his
"inequalities", many thought it would be possible to decide between
the Copenhagen interpretation and Vigier's "deep" determinism. Some
experiments (e.g. Aspect's work) have been invoked to justify the
Bohr-Heisenberg version of quantum mechanics, although it is my belief that
this conclusion is mistaken. This is because what is at issue here is not the
operational validity of quantum mechanics, but the interpretation. Does the
particle (e.g. an electron, photon or neutron) have particle properties (in
other words, is its location defined?) and wave properties simultaneously--and this is the position of de Broglie, Einstein,
Bohm and... Vigier--or are these properties mutually exclusive? Experiments with photons are difficult: it is impossible
to have a single photon in the apparatus at a time, while it is especially
difficult to determine the path followed by particles. Experiments with
neutrons, however, don't present this problem. The wave packet associated with
a neutron is on the order of a few millimeters in length, and neutrons can be
made to pass through a single-crystal interferometer one at a time. Rauch has
been successful with this part of the experiment. The next question, once a
single neutron has been introduced, is whether interference will be produced?
In the pilot wave theory, where wave and particle coexist, interference is
predicted. The Bohr-Heisenberg point of view predicts no interference. The
experiment is being performed now.
No matter what the outcome (and I have reason to believe that Vigier
will be proven right), Vigier's work has brought a solution to this fundamental
question much closer. In a series of publications (including one with Karl
Popper), he has examined all aspects of the EPR paradox, and proposed a variety
of experiments to resolve the dilemma posed by both the article by Einstein,
Podolsky and Rosen, and Bell's inequalities. Incidentally, contrary to the
press reports after Bell's death, he was in favor of Vigier's interpretation--a
contention which is borne out by his contribution to the 1987 Nobel Symposium
in Stockholm.
If Vigier is right, the pilot wave theory imposes two conditions. First,
all particles (neutrons and photons alike) have nonzero rest masses. And
second, since the pilot wave is no longer a probability wave expressing the
likelihood of the particle's presence, but a real wave, it must have a
"support". And this support must consist of an ether, albeit a
covariant one, as Dirac established some time ago.
These two complementary aspects of the physics of the pilot wave can
only lead to directly observable effects where photons coming from distant
sources, such as the sun or other galaxies, are involved. In the second part of
his work, Vigier has therefore sought to analyze "abnormal" redshift
effects as a tired-light phenomenon and interpret the tired-light mechanism as
an interaction between photons and the space through which they travel. This
conception further implies that the photon has a spatial extension, small
perhaps, but enough to necessitate an original interpretation of the role of
the light cone.
We embarked on this series of investigations back in 1971, even before
Arp published his first papers on the subject, with an article signed by
Vigier, myself and A.P. Roberts. Rejected by the journal Astrophysical Letters after a lengthy dispute between the authors,
the editor and the referees, the article wasn't to appear until more than a
year later (1972, CRAcSC 274B, 765-). In the meantime Arp's
discoveries of "abnormal redshifts" had been published. The idea was
that, if they were indeed Doppler redshifts, they would impose unacceptable
local velocities, and if they were not, distant galaxies could be affected more
by them than by expansion effects. Hence the linear Hubble law could be
interpreted--as Zwicky, Finlay-Freundlich and Max Born had done before--as a
loss of photon energy in steps of hDn, proportional to the distance traveled, i.e.
as a tired-light effect.
We began looking for other examples in the Sun and objects occulted by
the Sun, in double stars, where the Doppler interpretation was impossible. With
our co-workers, we succeeded in identifying other effects, such as a pronounced
periodicity in ln(1+z) for QSO-QSS histograms (with Depaquit), an extra
redshift effect in light passing through clusters (with Karoji and Nottale), an
extra redshift that occurs in blue galaxies in clusters (with S. Collin and H.
Tovmassian), etc. All the data seemed to point to one conclusion. Yet our
articles were misunderstood and given a cold reception. Based on an incorrect
interpretation of what we said in our text (perhaps not as clearly as one would
wish), Schatzman and Puget insisted that the so-called 3°K blackbody radiation
could not result from secondary photons. We were told the images of distant
objects should be blurred (true, but the problem is quantitative: a minimum
distance has to be set). While convective motions in the Sun can surely also
cause redshifts, the range of conditions under which this happens, which would
have to be calculated, seems to me to be extremely narrow. The
"battle" raged on for a few years. Vigier's views have not had a full
hearing, to be sure. Perhaps his enthusiasm wasn't so great that he was willing
to rewrite an article twenty times before convincing someone; more often than
not, he would go off looking for a new effect. Nevertheless, a new version of
the Big Bang has begun to emerge, without
the initial singularity, even in the works of adherents of the "old"
Big Bang (Reeves and Hawking, for example). This must be seen as the outcome,
though not a completely logical one, of the offensive waged by the critics of
the Big Bang (I am thinking of Hoyle and Burbidge, as well as Vigier and
myself) as well as the discovery of abnormal redshifts (mainly by Arp) that do
not necessarily support the new Big Bang, and Narlikar, who is seeking a
quantum phase at the origin of the expansion, as well as the proponents (Linde
and others) of an inflationary model.
It has been an uphill battle all the way. I am surely not exaggerating
when I say that, by defending the point of view of Vigier and myself (not
always in a way we would have approved of!), many young colleagues--and here I
have in mind the APEIRON group--have, in a sense, kept the flame alive, and
confirmed Jean-Pierre's ideas. Valuable contributions have also come from his
many students and co-workers in Greece, Italy, Spain, Austria, Finland, Great
Britain... and France.
What this all means is that the cosmological
constant cannot be equal to zero; very likely it is not even uniform, just
as the density of matter is apparently not uniform. If the cosmological
constant has a nonzero value, then as Sakharov has pointed out, it represents
the energy of the vacuum. Could it also give us the temperature at which
matter, photons and gravitational waves are in equilibrium?
Most recently, Vigier has focused on this problem, showing that the
interaction of a nonzero-mass photon with a Dirac covariant ether indeed
results in a redshift, but without any deflection that would cause a blurring
in the images of distant sources. That is how things stand... for now, that is!
As we have seen, Vigier is a dedicated champion of daring new concepts
that are not accepted by the scientific community. His philosophical positions
are clear: causality, determinism, a vision of evolution in the Universe
implying statistical stability that challenges the classical interpretation of
the second principle of thermodynamics. But that's another story. I will close this
all too brief summary of the works of Jean-Pierre Vigier here.
Jean-Pierre has indeed seen his share of danger! Dear friend, may you
face more challenges, and possess the strength to arrive at conclusions that
are both coherent and convincing, because convincing one's peers is the final
phase of the scientist's mission. When you work, by choice, in the no man's
land outside the bounds of the familiar, against "received" theories,
the perils are ever-present.